Review Article
Published: 04 August, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 2 | Pages: 047-052
Objectives: The aim of this study is to compute the radiation attenuation parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, half value layer, mean free path, and effective atomic number for some selected chemotherapy drugs such as Lomustine, Cisplatin, Carmustine, and Chlorambucil in the energy range from 1 keV to 100 GeV.
Materials and Methods: The mass attenuation coefficients were calculated with the help of WinXCOM program. Using the obtained mass attenuation coefficients, other parameters such as linear attenuation coefficient, half value layer, mean free path, and effective atomic number were derived.
Results: It is observed that the variations of these parameters with respect to the photon energy show changes in different energy regions. According to the obtained results, Cisplatin has the highest mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient and effective atomic number results among the selected chemotherapy drugs. Moreover, Chlorambucil has the highest half value layer and mean free path results among the selected chemotherapy drugs.
Conclusion: The results of this study are useful for applied science fields such as radiation physics, pharmacology, and medical physics. These results may be useful when the selected chemotherapy drugs are used together with radiology.
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Chemotherapy drug; Mass attenuation Coefficient; Linear attenuation Coefficient; Half value layer; Mean free path; Effective atomic number
Figure 1
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Figure 5
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